Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012

Info Title


(Redirected from Title)
Not to be confused with tribe rankings
Titles are unlockable words or phrases that you can apply to your mouse. All players always start with one title (Little Mouse) and may earn more by reaching specific goals. You can achieve as many titles as you want, but may only assign one to your mouse at any time. Titles normally do not expire, are always kept when used, and are displayed on your profilewhen you unlock them.

Earning Titles

Titles can be gained by repeating one or more of the following tasks:
  • Collecting cheese in a room with at least 2 more mice.
  • Being the first mouse to collect cheese in populated room with 10 or more mice plus the shaman (different IPs).
  • Saving mice (helping mice to the hole) as a shaman in normal mode or Hard Mode with objects such as anvils, balloons, runes, boxes,planks, and more. (In a room with at least 3 mice.)
  • Buying accessories in the shop.
  • Events, such as Easter, Christmas, Halloween etc.
  • Being a Transformice staff member.
When you earn a title, an announcement is made in the chat box of the room you are currently in.

Managing Titles

All titles in Transformice have a unique number that helps identify them. These unique numbers are used to quickly refer to titles, and assign titles to your mouse. You can use the/title command to browse your achieved titles (with their unique numbers) and apply a title.
To privately view what titles you have already achieved, type /title into the chat box. A list of titles (along with their unique numbers) you have unlocked appears.
To assign a title to your mouse, type /title <number> (replace <number> with the unique number of the title you want to apply). The title will not appear on your mouse until the current map is finished. You must have the title to use it.

List of Titles

This section contains a list of titles that are currently known, categorized by the way you achieve them. There may be undiscovered or unachieved titles that are missing from the list.

Collecting Cheese

#AchievementTitleTitre (French)Título (Portuguese)Титул (Russian)Título (Spanish)Ünvan (Turkish)
0Starting title.Little MouseSouris GriseRatinhoМаленький мышонокRatoncitoMinik Fare
5Gather 5 cheese.Greedy MouseSouris GourmandeRato AmbiciosoАлчный мышонокRatón GlotónAçgözlü Fare
6Gather 20 cheese.Here ! Cheese !Là ! Fromage !Olha! Queijo!Сюда! Сыыыыр!¡Aquí!¡Queso!Peynir Buldum !
7Gather 100 cheese.Yeeeeah Cheese ^^Owi Fromage ^^Obaaaaa Queijo ^^Оооооо Сыыыр ^^Síiiiiii Queso ^^Eveeeet Peynir ^^
8Gather 200 cheese.Cheeeeeese *-*Fromaaaage *-*Queeeeeijo *-*Сыыыыыыыр *-*Queeeeeeso *-*Peynirrrrrr *-*
35Gather 300 cheese.Activist MouseSouris MilitanteRato MilitanteАктивная мышьRatón ActivistaEylemci Fare
36Gather 400 cheese.Unionized MouseSouris SyndiquéeRato SindicalistaСплочённая мышьRatón SindicalizadoSendikalı Fare
37Gather 500 cheese.Mouse on StrikeSouris en GrèveRato em GreveМышь в удареRatón en HuelgaFare Grevde
26Gather 600 cheese.Glutton MouseSouris GloutonneRato GulosoПрожорливая мышьRatón TragónObur Fare
27Gather 700 cheese.GleanyGrapilleuseApanhador de QueijosПодбирающийRecolectorÖğütücü
28Gather 800 cheese.Plumpy MouseSouris DodueRato FofinhoПухленькийRatón GorditoŞişko Fare
29Gather 900 cheese.Paunchy MouseSouris VentrueSr. BarrigaПузачRatón BarrigónGöbekli Fare
30Gather 1,000 cheese.Chubby MouseSouris JoufflueGorduchoПолненькийRatón RegordeteTombik Fare
31Gather 1,100 cheese.Fluffy MouseBoubouleRato PeludinhoПушистикRatón EsponjadoPofuduk Fare
32Gather 1,200 cheese.Tubby MousePatapouffeRato ObesoУпитанныйRatón GordinflónBodur Fare
33Gather 1,300 cheese.The ChubbyLa RondouillardeO FofãoТолстячокEl RegordeteTombiş
34Gather 1,400 cheese.The PuffyLa BoursouffléeO SedentárioОпухшийTubby MousePuf
38Gather 1,500 cheese.The Cheese InitiatedInitiée du FromageO Recruta do QueijoСырнопосвящённыйIniciado en el QuesoPeynir Talebesi
39Gather 1,600 cheese.The Cheese AdeptAdepte du FromageO Adepto em QueijoЗнаток сыраAdepto del QuesoPeynir Üstadı
40Gather 1,700 cheese.The Cheese PriestPrêtresse du FromageO Guardião do QueijoСвященник сыраSacerdote del QuesoPeynir Rahibi
41Gather 1,800 cheese.The ReaperLa MoissonneuseMestre do QueijoПожинательEl SegadorBiçerdöver
72Gather 2,000 cheese.Cheese FinderChercheuse De FromageRato SherlockИщущий сыраEncuentraquesosPeynir Kaşifi
73Gather 2,300 cheese.Cheese KnightChevalier FromageCavaleiro do QueijoРыцарь сыраCaballero del QuesoPeynir Şövalyesi
74Gather 2,700 cheese.CheesegrubberCheesegrubberCheesegrubberCheesegrubberTomaquesosPeynir Kurdu
75Gather 3,200 cheese.FattyGrassouilletteSebosoЖирненькийGorditoDobiş
76Gather 3,800 cheese.Stout MouseSouris RobusteRato RobustoНадёжная мышьRatón FuerteTıknaz Fare
77Gather 4,600 cheese.Cheese LoverAmoureuse Du FromageAmante de QueijoЛюбитель сыраAmante del QuesoPeynir Sever
78Gather 6,000 cheese.CamembertCamembertCamembertCamembertCamembertCamembert
79Gather 7,000 cheese.Pont-L'ÉvêquePont-L'ÉvêquePont-L'ÉvêquePont-L'ÉvêquePont-L'ÉvêquePont-L'Évêque
80Gather 8,000 cheese.Cheese CatcherL'Attrape FromagePega-QueijoСобиратель сыраColeccionistaKoleksiyoncu
81Gather 9,001 cheese.It's Over 9000It's Over 9000It's Over 9000It's Over 9000It's Over 9000It's Over 9000
82Gather 10,000 cheese.CollectorCollectionneuseColecionadorКоллекционерCollectorCollector
83Gather 14,000 cheese.CheeseleaderCheeseleaderCheeseleaderCheeseleaderCheeseleaderCheeseleader
84Gather 18,000 cheese.Cheese ThiefVoleuse De FromageLadrão de QueijosСырный воришкаLadrón de QuesoPeynir Hırsızı
85Gather 22,000 cheese.Cheese CreatorFromagèreCriador do QueijoСоздатель сыраCreador de QuesoPeynir Yaratıcısı
86Gather 26,000 cheese.Cheese PizzaPizza FromagePizza de QueijoСырная пиццаPizza de QuesoPeynirli Pizza
87Gather 30,000 cheese.Cheese MinisterMinistre Du FromageMinistro do QueijoМинистр сыраMinistro del QuesoPeynir Bakanı
88Gather 34,000 cheese.Prodigy MouseSouris ProdigieuseRato ProdígioЧудесная мышьRatón ProdigiosoOlağanüstü Fare
89Gather 38,000 cheese.Princess Of TransformicePrincesse De TransformicePrincesa do TransformiceПринцесса TransformicePrincesa de TransformiceTransformice Prensesi
90Gather 42,000 cheese.CheesoholicFromalcooliqueQueijólatraСыроголикQuesohólicoPeynirkolik
91Gather 46,000 cheese.The Cheesen OneThe Cheesen OneThe Cheesen OneThe Cheesen OneThe Cheesen OneThe Cheesen One
92Gather 50,000 cheese.Sailor MouseSailor MouseSailor MouseСейлор МышьSailor MouseSailor Mouse
234Gather 55,000 cheese.Om Nom NomOm Nom NomOm Nom NomOm Nom NomOm Nom NomOm Nom Nom
235Gather 60,000 cheese.*-**-**-**-**-**-*
236Gather 65,000 cheese.Cheese AddictAccro au FromageViciado em QueijoПодсевший на сырAdicto al QuesoPeynir Bağımlısı
237Gather 70,000 cheese.CheesusCheesusCheesusCheesusCheesusCheesus
238Gather 75,000 cheese.Queen of CheeseReine du FromageRainha do QueijoКоролева сыраReina del QuesoPeynir Kraliçesi

Gathering Cheese First

#AchievementTitleTitre (French)Título (Portuguese)Титул (Russian)Título (Spanish)Ünvan (Turkish)
9Gather 1 cheese first total.Fast MouseSouris RapideRato VelozБыстрая МышьRatón VelozHızlı Fare
10Gather 10 cheese first total.Agile MouseSouris AgileLigeirinhoЛовкая МышьRatón ÁgilAtik Fare
11Gather 100 cheese first total.Pirate MouseSouris PirateRato PirataМышь-пиратRatón PirataKorsan Fare
12Gather 200 cheese first total.Ninja MouseSouris NinjaRato NinjaМышь-нинзяRatón NinjaNinja Fare
42Gather 300 cheese first total.Rogue MouseSouris FripponneRato FanfarrãoМышь-разбойникRatón RenegadoSerseri Fare
43Gather 400 cheese first total.LooterPilleuseLadrãoГрабительSaqueadorYağmacı
44Gather 500 cheese first total.StalkerTraqueusePerseguidorИскательAcosadorTakipçi
45Gather 600 cheese first total.Frothy MouseEcumeuseRato FútilПенная МышьRatón RabiosoKöpüklü Fare
46Gather 700 cheese first total.The SilentLa SilencieuseO SilenciosoБесшумныйEl SilenciosoSuskun
47Gather 800 cheese first total.Hawk MouseSouris FauconRato FalcãoМышь-орёлRatón HalcónŞahin Fare
48Gather 900 cheese first total.Cobra MouseSouris CobraRato CobraМышь-кобраRatón CobraKobra Fare
49Gather 1,000 cheese first total.SpidermouseSpidersourisRato-AranhaМышь ПаукSpiderratónÖrümcek Fare
50Gather 1,100 cheese first total.Quick SilverVif ArgentO MitoПуляMercurioQuick Silver
51Gather 1,200 cheese first total.Athletic MouseSouris AthlétiqueRato AtléticoАтлетичная МышьRatón AtléticoAtletik Fare
52Gather 1,400 cheese first total.Hasty MouseSouris HâtiveRato ApressadoПоспешная МышьRatón PrecipitadoAceleci Fare
53Gather 1,600 cheese first total.Rocket MouseLe MissileO MíssilМышь-ракетаRatón CoheteRoket Fare
54Gather 1,800 cheese first total.Sonic The MouseSonic La SourisSonic The MouseСоник-МышьSonic The MouseSonic The Mouse
55Gather 2,000 cheese first total.PinglessMeilleur PingPinglessЛучший ПингPinglessPingless
56Gather 2,200 cheese first total.KamikazeKamikazeKamikazeКамикадзеKamikazeKamikaze
57Gather 2,400 cheese first total.Warrior MouseSouris GuerrièreRato GuerreiroМышь-воинRatón GuerreroSavaşçı Fare
58Gather 2,600 cheese first total.Mach 1Mach 1Mach 11 МахMach 1Mach 1
59Gather 2,800 cheese first total.HunterChasseresseCaçadorОхотникCazadorAvcı
60Gather 3,000 cheese first total.First!Prem's !Primeiro!Первый!¡Primero!Birinci!
61Gather 3,200 cheese first total.SniperSniperSniperСнайперSniperSniper
62Gather 3,400 cheese first total.FlashFlashFlashВспышкаFlashFlash
63Gather 3,600 cheese first total.SupermouseSupermouseSuperatoСупермышьSupermouseSupermouse
64Gather 3,800 cheese first total.Light SpeedVitesse LumièreVelocidade da LuzСкорость СветаVelocidad LuzIşık Hızı
65Gather 4,000 cheese first total.Time TravelerVoyageuse Du TempsViajante do TempoПутешественник во ВремениViajero del TiempoZaman Yolcusu
66Gather 4,500 cheese first total.Fast WindVent RapideVentaniaБыстрый ВетерVendavalHızlı Rüzgar
67Gather 5,000 cheese first total.E=MouseC²E=MouseC²E=MouseC²E=MouseC²E=MouseC²E=MouseC²
68Gather 5,500 cheese first total.JumperLa SauteuseCanguruПрыгунSaltarínTırmanıcı
69Gather 6,000 cheese first total.The UntouchableL'IntouchableO IntocávelНеприкасаемыйEl IntocableDokunulmaz
231Gather 7,000 cheese first total.DynamiteDynamiteDinamiteДинамитDinamitaDinamit
232Gather 8,000 cheese first total.SpeedmasterVitesse SuprêmeVelocidade MáximaМастер скоростиMaestro VelozHız Ustası
233Gather 9,000 cheese first total.WhirlwindTornadeTornadoВихрьTorbellinoKasırga
70Gather 10,000 cheese first total.Wall-JumperWall-JumperWall-JumperWall-JumperWall-JumperWall-Jumper
224Gather 12,000 cheese first total.SprinterSprinterCorredorСпринтерVelocistaKoşucu
225Gather 14,000 cheese first total.BatmouseChauve SourisBatmouseЛетучая МышьBatmouseBatmouse
226Gather 16,000 cheese first total.The UnseenL'InvisibleInvisívelНевидимкаImperseptibleGörünmeyen
227Gather 18,000 cheese first total.UnstoppableL'InstoppableImparávelНеостановимыйImparableDurdurulamaz
202Gather 20,000 cheese first total.The Wind MasterMaîtresse du VentThe Wind MasterМастер ВетраThe Wind MasterThe Wind Master
228Gather 25,000 cheese first total.¡Ándale! ¡Ándale!¡Arriba! ¡Arriba!¡Ándale! ¡Ándale!¡Ándale! ¡Ándale!¡Ándale! ¡Ándale!¡Ándale! ¡Ándale!
229Gather 30,000 cheese first total.TorpedoLa TorpilleTorpedoТорпедаTorpedoTorpido
230Gather 35,000 cheese first total.Speedy GorgonzolaSpeedy GorgonzolaSpeedy GorgonzolaСкоростная ГонгонзолаSpeedy GorgonzolaSpeedy Gorgonzola
  • Note: Firsts only count on rooms with at least 10 mice plus the shamans.

Save Mice as Shaman

#AchievementTitleTitre (French)Título (Portuguese)Титул (Russian)Título (Spanish)Ünvan (Turkish)
1Save 10 mice.Shaman DiscipleDisciple ChamaneAprendiz de ShamanШаман-последовательAprendiz de ChamánÖğrenci Şaman
2Save 100 mice.Accomplished ShamanChamane AccomplieShaman GraduadoШаман-любительChamán GraduadoBaşarılı Şaman
3Save 1,000 mice.ShamanChamaneShamanШаманChamánŞaman
4Save 2,000 mice.Shaman MasterMaîtresse ChamaneMestre ShamanШаман-мастерMaestro ChamánUsta Şaman
13Save 3,000 mice.Inspired ShamanChamane InspiréShaman InspiradoВдохновленный шаманChamán Inspiradoİlhamlı Şaman
14Save 4,000 mice.Shaman ChampionChampionne ChamaneShaman CampeãoШаман-чемпионCampeón ChamánŞampiyon Şaman
15Save 5,000 mice.Glorious ShamanChamane GlorieuseShaman GloriosoСлавный шаманCháman GloriosoŞanlı Şaman
16Save 6,000 mice.Shaman DuchessDuchesse ChamaneDuquesa ShamanШаман-герцогиняChamán DuquesaDüşes Şaman
17Save 7,000 mice.Shaman PrincessPrincesse ChamanePrincesa ShamanШаман-принцессаPrincesa ChamánPrenses Şaman
18Save 8,000 mice.Shaman EmpressImpératrice ChamaneImperatriz ShamanШаман-императрицаChamán Emperatrizİmparatoriçe Şaman
19Save 9,000 mice.Legendary ShamanChamane LégendaireShaman LendárioЛегендарный шаманChamán LegendarioEfsanevi Şaman
20Save 10,000 mice.Immortal ShamanChamane ImmortelleShaman ImortalБессмертный шаманChamán InmortalÖlümsüz Şaman
21Save 11,000 mice.The Chosen ShamanChamane ÉlueO Shaman EscolhidoИзбранный шаманEl Chamán ElegidoSeçilmiş Şaman
22Save 12,000 mice.Holy ShamanChamane SacréeShaman SagradoСвятой шаманChamán SagradoKutsal Şaman
23Save 13,000 mice.Shaman OracleOracle ChamaneShaman OráculoШаман-оракулChamán OráculoKâhin Şaman
24Save 14,000 mice.Shaman ProphetProphète ChamaneShaman ProfetaШаман-пророкChamán ProfetaElçi Şaman
25Save 15,000 mice.ShamarvelousChamagnifiqueShaman SupremoШамодивительныйChamaravillosoŞamuhteşem
94Save 16,000 mice.Ancient ShamanAncienne ChamaneShaman AnciãoДревний ШаманChamán AncestralKadim Şaman
95Save 18,000 mice.Fearless ShamanChamane Sans PeurShaman DestemidoБесстрашный ШаманChamán ValienteKorkusuz Şaman
96Save 20,000 mice.Almight ShamanToute-Puissante ChamaneShaman DivinoВсемогущий ШаманChamán TodopoderosoMüthiş Şaman
97Save 22,000 mice.Architect ShamanChamane ArchitecteShaman ArquitetoШаман-архитекторChamán ArquitectoMimar Şaman
98Save 24,000 mice.MademoiselleMademoiselleMademoiselleМадемуазельMademoiselleMatmazel
99Save 26,000 mice.Lady ShamanLady ChamaneMadame ShamanЛеди ШаманDama ChamánLeydi Şaman
100Save 28,000 mice.LovedAiméeAmadoЛюбящийAmadoSevilen
101Save 30,000 mice.MagicianMagicienneMagoМагическийMagoSihirbaz
102Save 35,000 mice.Hero of MiceHéroïne Des SourisHerói dos RatosГерой МышейHéroe de los RatonesFarelerin Kahramanı
103Save 40,000 mice.Angel ShamanAnge ChamaneShaman AnjoАнгел-шаманChamán ÁngelMelek Şaman
104Save 45,000 mice.The CreatorLa CréatriceO CriadorСоздательEl CreadorYaratıcı
105Save 50,000 mice.Absolute ShamanChamane AbsoluteShaman AbsolutoАбсолютный ШаманChamán AbsolutoMutlak Şaman
106Save 55,000 mice.Miraculous ShamanChamane MiraculeuseShaman MilagrosoЧудотворный ШаманChamán MilagrosoMucizevi Şaman
107Save 60,000 mice.LiberatorLibératriceLibertadorОсвободительLiberadorKurtarıcı
108Save 65,000 mice.Troll ShamanCDMShaman TrollТролль-шаманChamán TrollTroll Şaman
109Save 70,000 mice.Ghost ShamanChamane FantômeShaman FantasmaПризрак-шаманChamán FantasmaHayalet Şaman
110Save 75,000 mice.SpiritEspritEspíritoДухEspírituRuh
111Save 80,000 mice.Demigodess ShamanDemi-Déesse ChamaneShaman SemideusaПолубогиня-шаманChamán SemidiosaKahraman Şaman
112Save 85,000 mice.Last HopeDernier EspoirÚltima EsperançaПоследняя НадеждаLa Última EsperanzaSon Umut
113Save 90,000 mice.RedeemerRédemptriceRedentorСпасительRedentorMesih
200Save 100,000 mice.Goddess ShamanDéesse ChamaneDeusa ShamanБогиня-шаманChamán Diosaİlahe Şaman
114Save 140,000 mice.Alpha & OmegaAlpha & OmegaAlpha & OmegaAlpha & OmegaAlpha & OmegaAlpha & Omega

Saving Mice in Hard Mode

#AchievementTitleTitre (French)Título (Portuguese)Титул (Russian)Título (Spanish)Ünvan (Turkish)
213Save 500 mice in hard mode.DecoratorDécoratriceDecoradorДекораторDecoradorDekoratör
214Save 2,000 mice in hard mode.BuilderBâtisseuseConstrutorСтроительConstructorMüteahhit
215Save 4,000 mice in hard mode.ManufacturerFabricanteFabricanteМануфактурщикFabricanteFabrikatör
216Save 7,000 mice in hard mode.TechnicianTechnicienneTécnicoТехническийTécnicoTekniker
217Save 10,000 mice in hard mode.MechanicMécanicienneMecânicoМеханикMecánicoMakinist
218Save 14,000 mice in hard mode.SpecialistSpécialisteEspecialistaСпециалистEspecialistaUzman
219Save 18,000 mice in hard mode.InventorInventeurInventorИзобретательInventorMucit
220Save 22,000 mice in hard mode.EngineerIngénieurEngenheiroИнженерEngenheiroMühendis
221Save 26,000 mice in hard mode.Inventive MouseL'InventiveRato InventorИзобретательная МышьRatón InventorYaratıcı Fare
222Save 30,000 mice in hard mode.Ingenious MouseL'IngénieuseRato EngenhosoОригинальная МышьIngenious MouseMarifetli Fare
223Save 34,000 mice in hard mode.VirtuosoVirtuoseVirtuosoВиртуозVirtuosoVirtuoso

Bootcamp Completions

Titles for bootcamp completions are earned in any bootcamp room.
#AchievementTitleTitre (French)Título (Portuguese)Титул (Russian)Título (Spanish)Ünvan (Turkish)
256Complete 1 Map.RookieRookieRookieRookieRookieRookie
257Complete 3 different Maps.NeophyteNeophyteNeophyteNeophyteNeophyteNeophyte
258Complete 5 different Maps.PrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivate
259Complete 7 different Maps.Deft MouseDeft MouseDeft MouseDeft MouseDeft MouseDeft Mouse
260Complete 10 different Maps.Solo ArtistSolo ArtistSolo ArtistSolo ArtistSolo ArtistSolo Artist
261Complete 15 different Maps.CorporalCorporalCorporalCorporalCorporalCorporal
262Complete 20 different Maps.Accurate MouseAccurate MouseAccurate MouseAccurate MouseAccurate MouseAccurate Mouse
263Complete 25 different Maps.BootcamperBootcamperBootcamperBootcamperBootcamperBootcamper
264Complete 30 different Maps.SergeantSergeantSergeantSergeantSergeantSergeant
265Complete 40 different Maps.Corner JumperCorner JumperCorner JumperCorner JumperCorner JumperCorner Jumper
266Complete 50 different Maps.Skilled MouseSkilled MouseSkilled MouseSkilled MouseSkilled MouseSkilled Mouse
267Complete 60 different Maps.LieutenantLieutenantLieutenantLieutenantLieutenantLieutenant
268Complete 70 different Maps.LongjumperLongjumperLongjumperLongjumperLongjumperLongjumper
269Complete 80 different Maps.IncredimouseIncredimouseIncredimouseIncredimouseIncredimouseIncredimouse
270Complete 90 different Maps.Bootcamp AddictBootcamp AddictBootcamp AddictBootcamp AddictBootcamp AddictBootcamp Addict
271Complete 100 different Maps.CaptainCaptainCaptainCaptainCaptainCaptain
272Complete 120 different Maps.Dexterous MouseDexterous MouseDexterous MouseDexterous MouseDexterous MouseDexterous Mouse
???Complete 140 different Maps.ManiacManiacManiacManiacManiacManiac
???Complete 160 different Maps.MajorMajorMajorMajorMajorMajor
???Complete 180 different Maps.Cheese ArtistCheese ArtistCheese ArtistCheese ArtistCheese ArtistCheese Artist
???Complete 200 different Maps.AcrobatAcrobatAcrobatAcrobatAcrobatAcrobat
???Complete 250 different Maps.ColonelColonelColonelColonelColonelColonel
???Complete 300 different Maps.ShortcutterShortcutterShortcutterShortcutterShortcutterShortcutter
???Complete 350 different Maps.TarzanTarzanTarzanTarzanTarzanTarzan
???Complete 400 different Maps.GeneralGeneralGeneralGeneralGeneralGeneral
???Complete 500 different Maps.Living LegendLiving LegendLiving LegendLiving LegendLiving LegendLiving Legend
???Complete 600 different Maps.StuntmouseStuntmouseStuntmouseStuntmouseStuntmouseStuntmouse
???Complete 700 different Maps.ProProProProProPro
???Complete 800 different Maps.Chuck SourisChuck SourisChuck SourisChuck SourisChuck SourisChuck Souris
???Complete 900 different Maps.Queen of BootcampQueen of BootcampQueen of BootcampQueen of BootcampQueen of BootcampQueen of Bootcamp
???Complete 1000 different Maps.Gravity MasterGravity MasterGravity MasterGravity MasterGravity MasterGravity Master

Buying Accessories

#AchievementTitleTitre (French)Título (Portuguese)Титул (Russian)Título (Spanish)Ünvan (Turkish)
115Buy 1 accessory in the Shop.Nice MouseJolie SourisRato DescoladoОтличная мышьRatón BonitoHoş Fare
116Buy 2 accessories in the Shop.Adorable MouseSouris AdorableRato AdorávelВосхитительная МышьRatón AdorableSevimli Fare
117Buy 4 accessories in the Shop.Charming MouseSouris CharmanteRato CharmosoОчаровательная МышьRatón EncantadorÇekici Fare
118Buy 6 accessories in the Shop.Pretty MouseSouris CoquetteRato AtraenteХорошенькая МышьRatón PreciosoGüzel Fare
119Buy 8 accessories in the Shop.Cute MouseSouris MignonneRato BonitinhoМилая МышьRatón TiernoTatlı Fare
120Buy 10 accessories in the Shop.Frivolous MouseSouris FrivoleRato GalãФривольная МышьRatón FrívoloFingirdek Fare
121Buy 12 accessories in the Shop.Snob MouseSouris SnobRato EsnobeМышь-снобRatón PresumidoZüppe Fare
122Buy 14 accessories in the Shop.Stylish MouseSouris à la ModeRato EstilosoСтильная мышьRatón con EstiloHavalı Fare
123Buy 16 accessories in the Shop.Actress MouseSouris ActriceDivaМышь-актерRatona ActrizArtist Fare
124Buy 18 accessories in the Shop.Fashion MouseSouris FashionRato FashionМодная МышьRatón a la ModaModacı Fare
125Buy 20 accessories in the Shop.SexySexySexyСексиSexySexy
126Buy 22 accessories in the Shop.SuperStarSuperStarSuperStarСуперЗвездаSuperStarSuperStar

Being a Staff Member

#AchievementTitleTitre (French)Título (Portuguese)Титул (Russian)Título (Spanish)Ünvan (Turkish)
440Only administrators can achieve this.FromadminFromadminFromadminFromadminFromadminFromadmin
444Only administrators can achieve this.La BeletteLa BeletteLa BeletteLa BeletteLa BeletteLa Belette
???Only administrators can achieve this.SourigamiSourigamiSourigamiSourigamiSourigamiSourigami


#AchievementTitleTitre (French)Título (Portuguese)Титул (Russian)Título (Spanish)Ünvan (Turkish)
127Earn a heart at Christmas 2011.Little SnowflakePetit FloconFloquinho de NeveМаленькая СнежинкаCopito de NieveMinik Kar Tanesi
128Earn 5 hearts at Christmas 2011.Christmas SpiritEsprit de NoëlEspírito NatalinoРождественский духEspíritu NavideñoNoel Ruhu
129Earn 15 hearts at Christmas 2011.Little PixiePetit LutinDuendeМелкая ПиксиDuendecilloKüçük Peri
130Earn 30 hearts at Christmas 2011.Santa ClausPapa NoëlPapai NoelСанта КлаусPapá NoelNoel Baba
240Earn 45 hearts at Christmas 2011.CookiesCookiesBiscoitosПеченьеGalletasKurabiyeler
241Earn 60 hearts at Christmas 2011.Christmas CakeGâteau de NoëlBolo de NatalРождественский тортPastel navideñoNoel Keki
242Earn 85 hearts at Christmas 2011.WhitebeardBarbe BlancheBarba BrancaWhitebeardBarbablancaAksakal
243Earn 100 hearts at Christmas 2011.GenerousGénéreuseGenerosoЩедрыйGenerosoCömert
244Earn 120 hearts at Christmas 2011.SnowyL'EnneigéSnowyСнежныйSnowyKar Beyası
245Earn 200 hearts at Christmas 2011.SnowstormTempête de NeigeNevascaМетельTormenta de nieveKar Fırtınası
  • Note: These titles were an addition to the game for Christmas 2011.
  • Note: You need to receive a kiss under the mistletoe to get the hearts.

Valentine's Day

#AchievementTitleTitre (French)Título (Portuguese)Титул (Russian)Título (Spanish)Ünvan (Turkish)
210Give 1 gifts at Valentine's Day 2012.Alluring MouseAguicheuseRato SedutorОчаровательная мышьRatón SeductorAlımlı Fare
211Give 5 gifts at Valentine's Day 2012.TemptressTentatriceRata AtraenteСоблазнительницаTentadoraBaştan Çıkaran
212Give 10 gifts at Valentine's Day 2012.Latin LoverLatin LoverLatin LoverЛатинская любовницаLatin LoverLatin Lover
249Give 20 gifts at Valentine's Day 2012.OmelettovoreOmelettovoreOmelettovoreOmelettovoreOmelettovoreOmelettovore
250Give 25 gifts at Valentine's Day 2012.My Cutie PieMon Petit SucreMy Cutie PieMy Cutie PieMi PastelitoTatlım
251Give 30 gifts at Valentine's Day 2012.FiancéeFiancéeFiancéeНевестаFiancéeFiancée
  • Note: These titles were an addition to the game for Valentine's Day 2012.

Cosplay Competition 2011

#AchievementTitleTitre (French)Título (Portuguese)Титул (Russian)Título (Spanish)Ünvan (Turkish)
246Taking part in the competition.DauphineDauphineDauphineDauphineDauphineDauphine
247Finishing in the top 5.FoxyFoxyFoxyFoxyFoxyFoxy
248Recieving the most votes.Miss TransformiceMiss TransformiceMiss TransformiceMiss TransformiceMiss TransformiceMiss Transformice
  • Note: The Cosplay Competition titles are discontinued and only exclusive to those who participated in the competition

Transformice Meetups

#AchievementTitleTitre (French)Título (Portuguese)Титул (Russian)Título (Spanish)Ünvan (Turkish)
252Attend the March 2012 Transformice meetup.Souris LilloiseSouris LilloiseSouris LilloiseSouris LilloiseSouris LilloiseSouris Lilloise

April Fools' Day

#AchievementTitleTitre (French)Título (Portuguese)Титул (Russian)Título (Spanish)Ünvan (Turkish)
253Complete the 2012 April Fools' day map.Tonnerre de BrestTonnerre de BrestTonnerre de BrestTonnerre de BrestTonnerre de BrestTonnerre de Brest


#AchievementTitleTitre (French)Título (Portuguese)Титул (Russian)Título (Spanish)Ünvan (Turkish)
254Gather 270 eggs in the Easter event 2012.ChocovoreChocovoreChocovoreChocovoreChocovoreChocovore
255Gather 300 eggs in the Easter event 2012.ChocobunnyChocolapinChocobunnyChocobunnyChocobunnyChocobunny

Trivial Facts

Here is some miscellaneous information about the names of certain titles.
  • The Title 0 (Little Mouse) on French servers is Souris Grise, which translates to "gray mouse"; However, the mice in Transformice are usually brown.
  • The Title 5 (Greedy Mouse) is incorrectly translated from the original French Souris Gourmande, "a mouse who takes great pleasure in food".
  • The English translation of title 27 (Gleany) from it's original French title (Grapilleuse) has caused great confusion; "Grapilleuse" is a term for "grape pickers", but "glean" means "to gather slowly, bit by bit".This is ironic, because all mice were female.
  • The Portuguese translation of Title 29 (Paunchy Mouse) is Sr. Barriga. This could possibly be a reference to a character from the "El Chavo" series.
  • The Title 54 (Sonic The Mouse) refers to the "Sonic the Hedgehog" video game series.
  • The Titles 78 (Camembert) and 79 (Pont-l'Évêque) are the only titles in English to refer to a type of cheese, rather than a type of mouse.
  • The Title 81 (It's Over 9000) refers to a popular internet meme from the "Dragon Ball Z" anime series.
  • The French translation of Title 102 (Wind Master) is "Arrivés Première", which simply means "arrived first".
  • The English translation of Title 444 (La Belette) is "The Weasel".
  • Melibellule's title, Fromadmin, is a portmanteau of the French word for cheese, 'Fromage', and admin.
  • The Portuguese translation for the word "shaman" in titles was Xamã in the beta version of Transformice, but it was changed back to "shaman" because they thought Xamãsounded weird.
  • The Portuguese translation of title of Title 10 (Agile Mouse) is Ligeirinho. This could makes reference from the character "Speedy", from a TV series.
  • The Spanish and Turkish translation of the Title 68 (Jumper) and Title 69 (The Untouchable) are now equal (El Intocable and Dokunulmaz, translated by The Untouchable).
  • The Titles 127 to 130 (Little Snowflake, Christmas Spirit, Little Pixie and Santa Claus) were added at Christmas 2010. To get them it was necessary to give gifts to other mice at Map 888.
  • Nudibranch, winner of the cosplay competition, is the only player to have been awarded the ingame title 'Miss Transformice, whilst the rest of the top 5 are the only players to have recieved the title 'Foxy'.
  • The Title 252 (Souris Lilloise) means "Mouse from Lille." Lille is the city where the meetup was held.

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